Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow Day 12/27/10

It was a blizzard, creating havoc with people's schedule and sense of control. Weather can kind of do that. And there is a beauty in it it. It can give a key lesson of mercury in retrograde, universal snafu.

This blizzard that made the news happened and it was an AIRPORT DISASTER! WRECKING HAVOC! The global warming warning/proof. Cars abandoned, trucks jacknifed. Undriven snow in lower Manhattan! Pedestrians forced to climb over 3 foot drifts. Strong winds blowing snow everywhere! Dogs playing excitedly! People helping others with their cars getting stuck or digging out of the snow. Warm Pho after getting cold fingers a great remedy to ALL THIS WEATHER!!

Just after the holidays is a great time to have a blizzard. It's the in-between time when people don't admit it's a national holiday week, but it really is. People are away, it was mostly tourists or people acting as though they are on vacation, maybe some do live here.
I do.

Last summer, I noticed driving in from out of town on the 4th of July, even NYC for a brief time of a major holiday can get quiet on the quiet. It can be as empty and vast as the pure undriven snow. It's fun to walk like a drunk in the fresh, slippery, shimmery powder.

New Year's is another story. It will be with another entry soon.
I leave you with my cold rosy cheeks standing in the snow.
Happy Holidaze, and the living is chill.
Peace out

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seasonal Conditions...tinsel ahead

I am one of those people who have avoided the holidays for awhile.
It's too much consumerism, stress, sugar, brouhaha over nothing and blatant commercialism has driven me beyond the pale. Yeah? You too? No big news, huh?

Ok, so I did a lot of things to avoid the Thanks/Christmas/New Year's grip-mostly go away. Or go far far away, where they don't celebrate such things. But this year, I have stopped trying to 'beat the holidays' (holidaze), but still, I'm not much of a joiner. I define myself as a 'non-conformist', you could also say, 'non-joiner'. I have my groups and tendencies: yoga, knitting, clay, art/design, craft, small sub-sections of callings. That is how I will work through the holidays.....kinesthetically. If I put the winter darkness, tinsel, roving mobs addicted to shopping, over and over and overplayed seasonal music, in terms of sensory overload, enhancement  and deprivation, I think I can make it. I can take a breath and make a choice to stay centered, in the 'zone' or find a way to get back to some sense of middle ground when on the precipice.

So, there is not much daylight, consider candles, bright (colored) lights, or a sense of mystery. It's colder, knit/wear more wool, entertain at home (and maybe imbibe more alcohol). I can't begin to take on the whole Martha Stewart idea of decorating, but a tree, a small tree is a possibility. Don't want to do the 'Christmas Party' (note capital letters), it's too competitive and I'm not really Christian (or Jewish either, it's a grey area that has been a source of dismay for others and annoyance for me). But I do believe we are all God's children and to celebrate a sense of light or a birth of a child in the middle of the darkest days of the year, let's go for it! (that would be considered holiday cheer)

Keep your spirits up! God knows (as do some of us humans) the world is going to hell in a hand basket (cute phrase for cataclysmic disaster on all fronts) we all only have ourselves and each other, be nice. At least for a little while, use the excuse of the holidays to be pleasant. Do that, 'do unto others' thing. We all know we use the excuse of the holidays to get stressed. Now turn that around and go be a mensch.