Monday, March 17, 2014

Ganesha making

The time in Pondicherry before the 'road trip' was spent at Golden Bridge Pottery making a Ganesh.
I had made 'them' before, a lot. It had obsessed me.  Then I stopped making them, for a variety of reasons, none of which were very clear to me at the time. I went to the wheel and tableware and stencils.....all good.
But when I went to Japan and met Ray & Deb (who run Golden Bridge) I was advised by Ray (Meeker) and Jeff Shapiro (who is an extraordinary ceramicist as well and ran the Japan trip) to go back to Ganesh and continue the relationship and explore that avenue. 

Initially, I tried throwing different parts of Ganesh on the wheel. It was a manual kick wheel, that we saw heaps of in Japan. Compared to my Lockerbie a motorised kick wheel at home, it was like attempting to play tennis with a baseball. The voice that spoke to me, that dialogued with me would have nothing to do with the idea either. "Madame, you have to make me with your hands, not with parts from a wheel. You must touch the details of who I am." This is a deity that is much beloved in India and actually all over the world. He's the remover of obstacles, the deity invoked when beginning a new endeavour. He is a taskmaster. At least to me.

He or the part of 'he' that is 'me' or however you want to explain this consciousness spoke to me and we had a dialogue in his creation. The push/pull of how he should sit, the size of his trunk, the gaze of his eyes or his 'waking up'. Which I found out is a big deal when they make the giant ones for ceremonies. The photo below left is the first attempt, a bit too 'Disney' and it got altered.

This time I made Ganesh's vehicle 'Mooshika' a rat or mouse that he sits on or rides. This time I made an Indian style bench. Mooshika is considered 'the little hoarder' who is hyper and is completely run by his senses. Sound familiar? Ganesh 'riding' this creature is the idea of a deity in control over the senses. I see it as the greater consciousness over the material conscious mindThat's my take as the western white girl who makes these things. Who doesn't know why she does it. At all.

So here's my Ganesh after a wood bisque firing sitting on his rat mobile (vehicle) with a bit of clay supports. I'll post the pix of him being glazed (actually with slip) in the next entry.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Different Stuff: South India Tour Part 3 (final)

The furthest reach of the Tamil Nadu tour was Aiynnar Kovil. There is a temple filled with these horse statures that are about 50-150 years old. There are also figures as well, but not larger than life as are many of the horses. This temple is very small, the grounds are littered with these statues, many in pieces; a head here, legs and lower body there.... It is in the middle of nowhere, according to my urban sensibility and the driver who took me all over.  We had to ask a lot of shepherds and farmers to get directions. It was so worth it!

These statues are made by hand with clay coils in pieces: first the 4 legs and lower body, then then the upper body and lower neck, then the head and neck, the ears and tails are added at the end. All the pieces fit neatly together and can be fired together assembled. My friend Shirley Bhatnagar, (ceramic artist extrordinnaire) has watched them being made and really appreciated the simple elegance of the construction method.

There are also figures, here are a group of ladies. Also a lot of men as kings and some deities. The ladies sitting as a group, as if a hen party, intrigued me the most.

This is the pujari or temple overseer of the place. He had a lovely energy about him, calm and sanguine. He seemed to get a kick out of my enthusiasm about the  horses. His uncles and grandfather was part of the team that made these statues. This small desolate location has had movies shot here and the following day was a big mela (festival) expecting 100+ people. The pujari invited me to stay to be a party of the mela, but large devotional festivals don't really agree with me. It's just not my thing as a western big city dweller. Enthusiastic crowds are to be avoided whether it be for spiritual devotion, sports or shopping.

The area around the temple was desolate, dry farmland spotted with dry rice beds, goats and cows.
I am told after the rainy season it is green and lush. It is also a large quarry area for the granite that supplies many buildings and temples. Even in it's arid emptiness, I found the colours of brown and beige, punctuated with green trees and succulents very beautiful.

So before I left for the north, now reporting to you from Jaipur, I had to finish my own sculpture. At a much smaller scale, I made a Ganesh. Picture and story to come next.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

More Stuff (less sublime) in South India: Part 2

This picture, and the ones following were taken outside of a couple of different temples in Tamil Nadu. I think this one and the next few were in Swamimalai and the others were Thanjuvar. Personally I am not particularly interested in Temples, despite my interest in creating deities, but sometimes the life around the temples can be interesting (read, photographic). I hope these pictures are interesting/entertaining to you.

Then the driver found this bronze 'factory' that uses the lost wax method and creates these bronze sculptures, some are hammered as well. It's India 'old school'.

Then as a finale, as promised the Palace Museum in Thanjuvar and their take (if you can call it that) on 'exhibition design'. More like, the lack there of.... To me it was an interesting juxtaposition of sublime and ridiculous. You decide.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sublime Stuff (in South India): Part 1

While taking an excursion in Tamil Nadu I saw a bunch of stuff.  Small and large Chola Temples, about 1000 years old with incredible details of sculptured deities and their entourage. Yallis for example, are human bodies animal heads, like Ganesh for example. (so you can imagine my interest).

But in the first small temple was a giant Nandi bull and this giant Cat which had a room in it's belly, making it a building that really impressed me too. 

Visiting a temple, one must remove one's footwear. I had forgotten. But in this case, there is a lush green lawn that felt wonderful between my toes. In some of the other temples there were sisal runners that helped, otherwise my tender footed nature was really getting broiled. So I was running from one shady patch to the next. Some of these patches got crowded with other tenderfoots. There were a couple of tour groups that apparently been warned; they were wearing socks.

There was a visit to the palace in Thanjuvar to see the Chola bronzes. The height of the Chola period which started in the 3rd century was during the 10th-11th century when they were creating amazing temples and beautiful bronze sculptures. It was a time when the arts really flourished and a disciplined government was put into practice. Think Italian Renaissance in a few centuries to come. So, back to the bronze sculptures. Ever since I saw my first in Paris at the Guimet museum I have been captivated by their grace and form. The Nataraj (photo below) or the dancing Shiva creating the Universe. You can see that also in the stone sculpture on the temples as well. The palace museum was 'kinda funky' it was an interesting contrast in sublime and ridiculous. Unfortunately, the pix are on my other posting. But here are some examples of the bronzes themselves without showing how they are shown (too much).

So there it is for a bit. I'm back in Pondicherry now for several more days. I am curious to see how the Ganesh I made while here did in the bisque fire. Fingers crossed! If the results are positive I will share them. Meanwhile I'll write next on the less sublime more everyday aspect of the trip. Nothing bad, well not really, just a contrast. The contrast that is India. But before I go here is a view from the terrace where I stayed at the Ideal River View Resort. It truly was Ideal.