Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Golden Bridge Pottery – Pondicherry, India

Greetings from South India!
Along way from home, but now happily ensconced in a home away from home.

I have been working here on a Ganesh sculpture. It is heaven! I think Ganesh put the obstacle of my computer breakdown in my path so I would go analogue and pay attention to his creation. Though Ganesh is suppose to be the remover of obstacles. His obstacles not mine?

Golden Bridge Pottery was founded by my wonderful hosts Ray Meeker & Deborah Smith in 1971. They have trained and taught many Indian nationals the skill, craft and art of production pottery and artistry of ceramics. If this were Japan, they would be considered national treasures. 

For about 40 years Ray taught a 7 month course to mostly young woman the skill and practice of working with clay. They were probably (but not necessarily) artistically minded, it was something to do while waiting to get married or go to graduate school, etc. He has created a generation of formidable artists. I mean kick ass! The few that I've met, they're passion for the medium and dedication is impressive. Also they're appreciation for Deb & Ray. 

They are taught (6 days a week, all day) from the making of clay to wheel throwing to glaze making and wood firing. The 7 months is a distillation of a 4 year BFA. Distilled to the coursework for a ceramic major. IMHO anyway.

More to come but wanted to set the scene. I am doing this with my thumbs in an iPhone, so time to rest the digits.

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