Saturday, November 28, 2009

B is for Bangkok

Bangkok is an intense place, like the food, spicy hot, colorful and made quickly. There seem to be more huge modern buildings than when I was here in '05 and a lot more sex tourists? Tis the season? Christmas vacation time? I don't know why I am able to see them from 100 yards, but they seem obvious. Hey some huge guy (by Thai scale) with some Thai girl/woman (normally a big age gap as well as size difference) and they all seem rather shut down, fleshy and predatory. Nice picture, eh?

On the other hand, the food is some of the best I've ever had and I am forever ruined for trying to find it anywhere else. Plus the massages, the silk, the flowers. The traditional places as well as the mega malls, it's all amazing and kind of over stimulating. Well, not kind of, totally overstimulating. It is a carnival. After coming off a 24 hour stint of getting here and it being at least 82 degrees, but not as humid as it was last trip (thank heavens), it's a lot. But, it's a lot of fun too.

I'm going to attempt to post some pictures of the flower market, the food court at this crazy super deluxe mall and some food shots. Hopefully it will work out. Leaving for airport in a short while and flying off to Hanoi Vietnam, where I hear it's a more mellow place. 

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