Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big Switcheroo

Now everything has changed. I would be in India by now, but I am still sitting in NYC, pouring over guidebooks and hunting around the internet for flights from Siem Reap to Bangkok, to Chiang Mai and I haven't even gotten to booking for Vietnam. How did this happen.
A bad case of the flu that happened to my travel mate to India.
We plan to go in February 2010, so it's looking busy with travel over the next quarter.
Anyway, what started out as a bit of a joke, is now how I will spend the next month.
My friend Kiwi Deb (I'm NY Deb, to keep things clear or clearer) said well if your pal doesn't get better come with me when I go to Thailand. So I countered with, " Well would you consider Laos and northern Thailand?" She loved the idea, so we''re off! While she's doing some 'mental floss' at a 10 day meditation retreat, I will be running around Ha Noi, Hué, Hoi An and Angkor Wat. It will be a busy 10 days. Then we meet at the airport in Bangkok and fly off to Chiang Mai, then the grand finale of Luang Prabang, Laos. It's quite an adventure, as well as a dream come true for me. I've wanted to do a trip like this since the first time I went to Thailand in '04.
So now is the preparation and hebeejeebees that goes along with all the stuff I think of before leaving for a long far away trip. I may spare everyone all the sturm und drang of THAT! But I promise there is more adventure to come.

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