Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Eggs of another color

I wanted to show something beautiful that was inspiring, nature made and tasty. My friends who live in Lambertville, NJ have access to a farm stand that has these wonderful local, 'cage free' domestic chickens that are different sizes, different color yokes and are miles away from the white rounded packages we see in our normal urban or suburban supermarket. (though Lambertville is not far from Flemington or even Trenton).

It is a sad testament that I write in wonder of these beautiful eggs. We understand things from their boxes, not their shells. A product or a brand, not a food coming from something that grows or breathes or is made by hands not gloved in plastic or put on a conveyor belt.

It is so easy for me to yell about this from in my Manhattan bubble, wishing for more connection to nature, wanting to participate in the locavore movement. Is this just a matter of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? We are sinking, and drifting further away from a world that use to work with seasons and without chemicals, without being propped up by government props that make farmers grow all the same corn and soybeans. Which in turn feeds cattle in feedlots that live lives not worth living cheek to jowl to their neighbor and then are brutally treated in their death, by workers who are also brutally treated in their morbid work to feed the people who are eating fast food, ruining their health in the process. This is because why? There is profit to be made in killing the land with chemicals, the cows by rote and us bipeds by disease, a bit more slowly than the cows....and at greater expense. 

I am ranting, I am angry and I don't let myself think about this too much, it's too upsetting. My original intent for this blog was to write about my observations when I travel. Much more benign stuff; armchair voyages for my friends and friend of friends (not a huge group). But, I took this picture a couple of months ago and had planned to write a post talking about color and design, etc., and it ended up here. Sometimes you just gotta say what's on your mind, even if it ends up being a rant. The blog takes a different turn this time. More stuff to come with art, design, color, photos and travel, but also with some indignation on the world here in my corner, in my country.

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