Saturday, November 13, 2010

Spem in Alium: 40 part Motet Installation @ Rose Theatre

Spem In Alium is a choral piece by Thomas Tallis, who wrote for the Tudor monarchs posing as a Protestant, but actually a Catholic, albeit closeted. Seems the closet figures in a lot of forms in the church historically.
Anyway, he was an amazing composer and this piece is one of his best. It is a 40 part (how these singers keep it straight is amazing in itself), of a Latin phrase that in part translates, I am no good, worse than dirt under your finger nails of a grubby sloth and god I am not worthy, etc. Since it's in latin this rather depressing lyric is not oppressive.

Meanwhile the installation at the Rose Theatre, in the Time Warner building at Columbus Circle on the 5th floor, make a left after exiting the elevator is on for ONLY TODAY! (through Saturday Nov 13th 12-8)
This video I tried to upload,barely does the piece justice,and is too large to load so just trust me on this.

There are 40 speakers on individual stands placed around the edge of the room, each speaker is at adult head height and is a 'voice'. As you walk around you can hear them together or stand next to a speaker and hear the separate 'voice'.
The simplicity of this installation allows the piece to shine in an incredibly profound way.
The content defining the design or the adage of 'form follows function' gives room to have a deep musical (spiritual) experience. GO!!!!

Here is a link to a NYT article about why/how the White Light Festival was conceived, which this installation is a part.

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