Saturday, February 27, 2010

Yes we have no bananas

India is kind of like a bad boyfriend, it keeps the yearning, but plays with the emotions and its a bit of a disappointment though there can be a bit of exciting drama now and then. But every once in a while, it really is amazing and I guess I keep hanging in for those moments. I don't mean to sound cynical or bitter (moi?), but sometimes you gotta wonder...what's it all about? Why do I keep coming back. Last time I SWORE I never ever would return. Never say never.

Maybe the big lesson is that there is no big lesson or it doesn't matter where you are to get 'the big lesson'. Or there's a lesson everyday and you can be anywhere and if you listen you'll get it. And if you don't listen, eventually it will hit you over the head. You may go all the way to India to get hit over the head, and then it will be so distorted and you'll be so sick of being asked where you are from 5 times a day, being sick, and just looking for the next lime soda, that you'll blame it on the place.

Or not.

An older British woman said to me that she found it 'so refreshing to realize that we really aren't in control' and that was one of the reasons she liked to come here. Why do you go to difficult places? Or would you never do that? Yeah, I'm asking... Or do you forget that is was difficult and remember the good parts and then want to go back and have more? I think that is where I fall prey. Maybe being an optimist in memory recall doesn't serve me very well anymore?

Now arrived back in Delhi for the last 3 days, one of which is Holi which is where it is good luck to douse each other with color. I will get the story and report back the why and what for...I have been warned to stay indoors, it can get intense. (surprise). So I really have 2 days where I can 'do something'.  I had 7 hours in the Bangalore airport as a layover between flights. Another day 'lost' instead of out 'doing something'. It seems like I am being asked to slow down and just 'take rest' as they say here. It ended up being ok, not just something to endure. I met up with another traveler who had been there since 5am waiting for his 2 o'clock flight to Goa. We had more in common and knew some of the same people, to the point of 2 or 3 degrees of separation. I find that happens a lot here. He is an ashtangi (person who practices the type of yoga I do) and we did a lot of yoga gossip  (it is the missing 9th 'limb' of yogic philosophy), talking about Mysore, Patthabi Jois, Sharat, etc. The usual suspects and topics people who do this kind of stuff talk about. Anyway, it was good.

It's nice to be back here in the north. The roar of the traffic in Delhi was kind of fun. Lots of construction creating bottlenecks and being at an absolute standstill...enter vendors stage left. You can sit in traffic and have a snack, peanuts crackers, even flowers while U wait. Fellini Indian style. You have to add horns honking and exhaust fumes, but it is kind of a party atmosphere. Really.... Is it one of those 'moments'? No, cause it's always a moment about something, anything, anyway, all the time. The moment(s) of not being able to sleep because it's too hot. Hating the lack of personal space in what you think of as a 'line', or thought was a line. Looking out the window and seeing a giant truck coming right at you. Or the taste of one of those small delicate little that's a moment too.
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