Tuesday, December 1, 2009

H is for Vietnam

So after the visa debacle, then so close scrutiny at customs I arrived in the 'Old Quarter' of Hanoi. The traffic here is either like swarming mosquitos or balletic depending on the mood. I am glad to have some experience from India in crossing the road, it is a pacing that is another universe of cross walk/red light/green light. It's more like double dutch jump rope. Actually it's a bit easier than that. You just have to realize that nobody wants an accident and if you get into the rhythm of it instead of how it may appear, you will get your wish and make it across without incident.

Hanoi is fascinating; I've recorded street sounds and even happened on musicians playing inside a tent like structure, which is what they use for weddings, because we may have Xmas, but this is wedding season. A different kind of family orientation.
Meanwhile, the food is good, had great Cha ca (a noodle soup with fish, fennel and scallions) all the while being explained to me by this elderly restaurant owner in French, perfect french. The only westerners there were French, except for some young college age Americans who seemed lost and on a budget and wanted to order one dish for the four of them. They found Saigon easier to find food they liked and could afford?

Anyway, it's good morning Vietnam, and I plan to go to the lake, (Hoan Kiem), see Water Puppetry on the lake and go to the Temple of Literature. Hopefully scoring some Vietnamese ice coffee and Bo ca or Bu ca. It is an adventure and I haven't a clue of how to do this, aside from a map and guide book. English speakers amongst the natives are few and far between, but people are mostly pleasant and interested when one is interested in them.

More later. Will make more sound recordings in MP3 format to send out.
Will also be sending a Picasa link to show more photos. TTFN

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